Old Days in the Country


Old Days in the Country

Old Days in the Country

 Do you have pictures or stories of Parkerfield's past? If you have something from the old days to share, let us know. We need more for the scrap book. jelf1@cox.net



Parker School, District 32, about 1923
Back row: Teacher Vernell Anderson, Jessie Parker, Bertha Webb, Fred Gee, Leslie Graves
Front: Johnny Corlett, ? ?, ? ?, ? ? , Stanley Webb


 Lester Parker (wearing a hat and tie) and his stepson Herman Barnett take turns playing mule as they cultivate vegetables, about 1921.

Lester and Herman have harvested their watermelons and filled up the 1919 Chevrolet 490 touring car that was the Parkers' first automobile.



Parkers clowning on a Chevrolet: Ernestine, Jessie, Joker, Clarence, Jereldine, sometime in the mid-twenties. Clarence was the only one who really smoked; the others were just playing for the camera.




John Cook sailed from Ireland with his mother and his sister, bound for a new life in the United States. On the voyage to the New World, Cook's mother and sister both died, and he arrived in New York alone in the world.

He joined the Union army and fought in the Civil War. After the war, he headed west, and settled in Kansas. His farm was next to Elisha Parker's, on the west.

When he retired from farming, John Cook lived at the Kansas Old Soldiers' Home during the winter, and stayed with the Parkers during the summer.

John Cook, 1917