Sunday, February 3, 2008
Long time no write. A combination of blogging laziness and other business has kept me away for a couple of weeks. Here are the highlights and/or lowlights. It took until Thursday the 24th to get the carburetor off the Buick and get it shipped off to the rebuilder in Brooklyn. With the Buick down, I was driving the 1968 VW. That same Thursday morning as I was driving to work, the car caught fire when the fuel line popped off the carburetor. I was half a block from work, so I ran and got a fire extinguisher, ran back and put out the fire. It stayed out for about two seconds, then blazed up bigger than ever. Soon there were four or five police cars at the scene. The cops used up all their fire extinguishers with little effect, then the fire truck came. With a good soaking from the fire hose, the blaze was finally out. Some of the cops and firefighters were kind enough to help me push the car a half block to the sign factory parking lot. All this took place on a ten degree morning. After taking some time to thaw out, I begged a ride home and came back in the Suburban with a towbar to haul the VW home. So now my transportation is a gas hog that gets ten miles a gallon. The rebuilder phoned Friday to say the Buick carb was finished and being shipped back, so maybe I'll be back to my regular car in a week or so. Meanwhile, the VW awaits eventual restoration. Luckily, I have a spare for parts.
Yesterday I went to the Sunflower Swap Meet at the Kansas Coliseum. It was a worthwhile shopping trip, with a couple of lucky finds. One was a 1924 license plate for my TT. The other was about half the price but probably more scarce. I found a set of 1951 plates, front and back, for my pickup. The 1951 plates are a bigger deal because in 1951 there were front and back plates and they bore a county designation. After searching for several years, finding the right county out of 105, and a complete pair, was a happy occasion.
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This afternoon I went out and did my "daily" three miles for the first time in about three weeks. It was a little faster than last time, but after being a cold weather sissy for a couple of months I've gotten mighty slow.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
OOoops! Did it again. Missed a couple of weeks. Not that you missed much. I did spend a big chunk of yesterday and today making a Model T engine stand. I should be able to get the engine and transmission out of the frame this week, and will be close to being ready for sandblasting and painting the frame. If I can get that done this month, March will be the time to switch from the disassembly phase to reassembly phase.
Monday, February 18, 2008
This afternoon I got the engine and transmission unbolted and ready to come out. Tomorrow I'll get a couple of hooks to screw into the top of the engine to attach a chain, and should be ready to pull the engine and set it on the new stand.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
This afternoon I did in fact pull the engine and transmission off the frame. I need to work on the dolly a little more to make the engine fit on it a little better, but it won't take much to make it right.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
So I did work on the engine dolly and make it fit the engine, which is now safely sitting on it and can be rolled around wherever I want it.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I was late for work today. I started with plenty of time, as usual, but the Buick kept stalling in the 20º cold. Twice I had to pop the hood, take the lid off the air cleaner, and prop the automatic choke open to get started again. So before I headed for home in the afternoon, I brought the car into the sign factory and attached a wire to the choke so I can pull it open without having to open the air cleaner.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Spent the afternoon grocery shopping, so didn't get much else done.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
After doing laundry, I went to a farm equipment auction. I spent about three hours in light sleet, snow, rain, and a cool breeze, and came away empty. There were a couple of items of interest, but things were going for more than I was willing to pay. Sometimes you can find real bargains at an auction, but this wasn't one of those times.