Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Creeping along toward actually finishing something, today I unriveted the replacement socket for the left side of the car. Maybe tomorrow I can detach the mangled one it's going to replace. I spent a couple of hours working on my wheel press. Originally I padded it with foam rubber, but the felloe should be free to slide so it will be centered. So today I removd the foam rubber and replaced it with masonite. As it turned out, in the end I had to put blocks under the felloe so the hub could be pressd down far enough to make the wheel straight. Next will be drilling the holes ahd bolting on the hub plate. |
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Odds and ends. I finished painting the spare tire carrier for the touring car, and the new splash apron. I ground smooth some gouges inside an axle housing, and cut a slit in a top socket where it was a bit thin. The slit will be MIG welded and ground smooth to strengthen the thing. I went to town in the runabout to mail a couple of hubs to a T guy in New Jersey. He plans to use them for a pair of new front wheels for his 1914 touring. |
February 18, 2018
With thirty days left until spring I'm still fetching firewood. Hedge wood (Osage Orange) is especially hard, and burns slow and long. That's the one that's yellow in the picture. The softer woods burn faster. The hard and soft make a good combintion in the stove and make the room nice and warm. Whatever you're driving, backing up a trailer can be tricky. Will this be anough wood to last the rest of the season? We'll see. |