March 1, 2017
In the morning I sanded the "new" windshield frame for my roadster and
gave it another coat of primer, then went to town for this month's
supply of heart medicine (port). I went today because on the first
Wednesday of the month the licquor store has a 15% discount for
geezers. In the afternoon I took the chain saw to the wood lot and went
to work on a pile of branches that have been waiting for a couple of
years, cutting them into firewood. I brought a box of those and a pile
of large
pieces up to the house, fired up the splitter, and spent
the last half hour of the day splitting some of the large pieces.
Some days are warm enough now that I don't need a fire, but most
evenings still call for some heat from the kitchen stove and the living
room fireplace.


Thursday, March 2, 2017
Much of today was devoted to sanding and painting, sanding and
painting, sanding and painting. I also made a new throttle rod for the
roadster. The one that was in the car was just a little too short to
let the carburetor all the way down to a slow idle. The new one lets it
idle so slow it dies. That's OK. I can fix that with the adjusting
screw. Being able to idle really slowly will help with engine
braking. On the painting front, the big deal was getting my third new
wheel done. The fourth wheel is a correct original rear wheel that's
already on the car. As soon as I get it off and repainted, I'll mount
new tires on all four wheels and be ready to get back to
Friday, March 3, 2017
The best-laid plans... I was going to mount the new tires on my new
wheels today. Apparently the tires have shrunk, because they're about
an inch smaller in diameter than the wheels. I spent a couple of hours
trying to mount one of them, and all I accomplished was damaging the
paint on the wheel. I'm going to see if I can stretch them with a jack
and make them fit. If that doesn't work I'll sell them and use some
other tires I already have. I did install the new throtle rod on the
roadster and it works perfectly, so the day wasn't a total waste.

25 inches across the rim.

24 inches will not fit.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
At last, an auction with stuff to keep
me there. This one was near Harper, about eighty miles west. I bought
two big rugs, two web chairs, a clock, a shop vac, and a box of
miscellaneous tools (mostly locking pliers). I'll take an occasional
day off for something like that, but now I need to get back to
Sunday, March 5, 2017
One job ate up most of my day. That was taking a bad tire off the
roadster and putting
on a better one.
There's a full description, with pictures, on the Model T forum.
Monday, March 6, 2017
After removing the leaking tube
from that "new" tire, I made a trip into Okieland for my annual
purchase of Roundhouse overalls, which aren't sold here, then spent the
rest of the afternoon doing laundry. Life is all the stuff that happens
while you're making other plans.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Tube repaired, tire mounted and on the car. But when I drove the
roadster to town for shopping there was another problem. I was driving
up Summit Street and heard a clicking/rattling sound. The left front
wheel is loose from wear. Sometime in the past shims were installed
between the spokes to tighten them, and now the shims are falling out
and the wheel is getting loose. I drove verrrrry slowly coming home. If
I want to drive the car before I get the new wheels ready to use, I'll
have to borrow a wheel off the touring car.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
It was blasting day. I spent the morning masking the wooden parts of my
three new wheels with Gorilla tape and cardboard, then set up the
equipment and spent most of the afternoon sandblasting the metal parts.
My first paint job on them was totally unsatisfactory, so I'm going to
repaint them and do a better job of it this time. By 3:00 PM the
shadows across my work made it impossible to see what I was doing, so I
called it a day. I finished two of the wheels and got started on the
third one, which I'll have to finish tomorrow.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
This kind of thing drives me absolutely nuts. My bad habit of setting
things down without thinking about it costs me dearly in time wasted. I
was going to paint a wheel today and spent over an hour looking for one
of the parts for mounting it on the painting fixture. I never did find
it and the wheel remains unpainted. I finally gave up looking and got
back to blasting, which took up most of the rest of the day. I ended up
with that third wheel blasted, plus a Ruckstell axle housing and an
engine pan. Tomorrow I hope I can find my missing part and get that
wheel painted.
March 10, 2017
Mystery solved. First I cut a
plywood replacement for my missing paint fixture part. Then I used it
and painted a wheel. When I set about preparing another wheel for
repainting, I found the missing part still in it from the previous
painting. So now I have both front wheels done. Tomorrow I'll start on
the rear wheels. Another activity today was to start making a spreader
to stretch those too-small tires so I can get them on the wheels.
Cutting pieces out of 2 x 6 boards with a little jig saw was slow
going. One piece done and three to go.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Auction day. This time the Defore
Auction in Winfield had enough good stuff to keep me there all day. My
big ticket item was a Dixon mower.
I spent a pile of dough on it because mowing season is starting, my
mowing tractor is out of action until I can fix it, and my old Dixon is
kaput. I also picked up a couple of glass shades for three-way floor
lamps, and an air tank. I might have bought a few more items, but the
auction ran later than I wanted to stay.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Winter is back. With an afternoon high of about 42º and a stiff wind
blowing, it was a good day to stay inside. Mostly I did Model T chores.
The first was shimming the
wishbone in my roadster to eliminate a rattle. Then I put the brake
drum on my new rear wheel and "adjusted" the bolts.

I dislike the idea of bolts protruding far
enough into the drum to possibly contact the brake shoes. That can be
very disappointing.

adjusted the length of the bolts with a grinder...

...and staked them to be sure the nuts
aren't going anywhere.
My other project was making a spreader to stretch some too-small tires
so I can mount them. I'll show a picture if and when I get it to work.
Monday, March 13, 2017
I spent way too much time online this
morning discussing history, but the centerpiece of today's activity was
a trip to Winfield in the Suburban to fetch the mower I bought
Saturday. I had my doubts about whether it would go into the vehicle,
but removing the seat lowered its profile enough for it to fit. On the
way home I made a side trip across the state line to gas up the Chebby
at the lower Oklahoma price. By using a Shell card I also get a
discount of 3¢ a gallon. In this case that amounted to a whopping 77¢.
My last chore of the day was taking the truck and the chainsaw down to
the wood lot and cutting a box of small branches. That will last about
three days. Occasionally now we have warm enough days that I don't need
a fire, but most evenings are still chilly. Consistent warm weather
doesn't usually arrive until late April.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
All morning and into the
afternoon I worked on a new web page. It took a lot of time today, but
it will save more time later when people ask about Model T alignment.
In the afternoon I had to go to town for shopping and that pretty well
killed the day. I did get a very little bit done on my tire stretchers,
but most of it remains to be done. Maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017
tomorrow became today, and I fnished the stretchers and attacked the
first of the too-small tires. I'll leave it like this until Sunday. The
forecast is for 80º+ on Sunday and Monday, so those should be good
tire-mounting days. Meanwhile, I'm off to Chickasha to hobnob with my
fellow Model T wizards. I enjoy the visiting, and I always find
something good to bring home. Maybe next year I'll be organized enough
to take some things to sell.
Thursday, March 16
Friday, March 17
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Usually when I travel I keep up the blog with my laptop. But this time
I forgot to take a mouse, and I hate using a touch pad, so I'm catching
up at home. It was a great meet. I enjoyed hobnobbing with the
Model T wizards,
and I saw some neat stuff, and I picked up some
good bargains. The pictures are here.

Sunday, March 19, 2017
Today I tackled that tire again. It's been on the stretchers since
Wednesday, and today I set it out in a black plastic bag in the sun to
soften, and this time I got it mounted. With that success under
my belt, I stretched, softened, and mounted the second one. The third
is on the stretchers overnight, and I'll get to it tomorrow. The fourth
will have to wait until I get its wheel painted. While the second
tire was lying out in the sun to warm up, I took care of some work
that's been waiting way too long, putting several piles of yard
waste in the truck and hauling it to the brush pile. There's plenty
more of that still to do.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Today's main accomplishment was mounting the third tire—twice! I got
the tire on the wheel, then realized I had forgotten to install the
bridge washer on the valve stem. So I had to take the tire off, install
the washer, and mount the tire again. Fortunately, with the stretched
tire warmed up and with plenty of baby powder on the tire and rim, the
job wasn't a total nightmare. The other main activity of the day was
blasting, painting, sanding, and painting various parts.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
This was a day for wasting time. I set up the blasting equipment and
started to sandblast the metal parts of a wheel when I found air and
sand leaking from the side of the fitting behind the blaster nozzle.
Over the years sand flowing through the fitting had worn a hole in the
side. My first waste of time was going from store to store in town
trying to find a replacement part. I should have known better. The
second waste was all the time I spent on various websites in another
futile search. I finally found a part that isn't exactly the same, but
will work. I was even willing to buy the package of three in order to
get one. Not wanting to wait for the new parts to arrive, I welded the
hole on the old part and reinstalled it.
That will work until I get the replacements. I blasted for about an
hour until quitting time, and the tough old paint made it slow going.
It may take two or three more sessions to finish the whole rim and have
it ready to paint.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Warm weather went away, and a chilly day had me working indoors most of
the time. Thinking about hardened old paint making sandblasting go so
slow, I remembered that I happen to have a needle scaler. I tried it
and found that it easily knocked the old paint off the wheel and the
axle housing I have to blast. That should speed up the blasting
considerably. I hope to finish the wheel tomorrow and get it painted,
and maybe the axle housing too. With any luck I'll have the new wheels
and tires on the car in a week or so. In the afternoon I fired up the
splitter and finished splitting a pile of wood that was awaiting my
attention. Most of it was rotten enough to break up rather than split.
That kind of stuff burns well but quickly, and I expect to be rid of it
before wood burning season is over.
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Well, the
Geezer is a happy camper. Yesterday's session with the needle scaler
paid off bigtime. I started setting up the blasting equipment at ten
after eleven, and a little over an hour later I had the wheel done. I
went ahead and blasted some windshield frame hardware, then did some on
that axle housing I started the other day. I quit and put away the
equipment because I had something else to do: painting. By 3:30 I had
the two pieces of windshield hardware painted, plus the wheel. I still
have to finish the hub plate, then I can reassemble the wheel, mount
the tire on it, and get the four wheels and new tires installed on the
car. If all goes well I should be driving it sometime next week.
Friday, March 24, 2017
Today I finished painting the hub plate for that fourth wheel. I'll
cook it overnight and assemble the wheel tomorrow, and mount the tire.
I also started puting the new wheels on the car. One rear is now
on. Tomorrow I'll install the two fronts, and maybe the other rear if I
get to it. Depends on the auction in Winfield. If there's nothing to
keep me there I'll probably get all the wheels mounted. If they're
selling something I want, maybe not.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Well, the Defore auction did have a few things I wanted. I brought home
a good 3/4" garden hose for $10, two web chairs like new for $10, and a
radio for $3. I might have bought more if they didn't spend so much
time on all the stuff you'd have to pay me to carry off. It just got
too late for me to stay. At home I finished putting one of the new
front wheels on the roadster and installed the brake drum and hub plate
on the rear wheel I recently painted. Tomorrow I should have all four
wheels on the car be ready to drive it.

Sunday, March 26, 2017
Done. I installed the front wheel, mounted the tire on the rear wheel,
and installed that one too. The car ran fine on a test drive to the
cemetery and back, but the bike speedometer wasn't working.
Fortunately, all it took to fix that was adjusting the sensor
position. This speedometer is temporary. I have an actual 1915
Ford Special speedometer to refurbish and install. I hope to get that
done sometime this spring or summer. There are several other things to
fix on the car, but none of them will keep me from driving it.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Three down, seven to go. Friday my ten seedlings from the Arbor
Day Society came in the mail. Before I left this morning for an
appointment with my eye doc in Wichita, I set them in a pail of water
to soak. I got home a little after one and spent the afternoon planting
the three redbuds. That leaves two Washington hawthorns,
two Sargent crabapples, and three white flowering dogwoods still to
plant. I hope I can get all of those done tomorrow before the evening
rain arrives. After several weeks of mostly dry weather, now we're in a
wet spell. This morning the rain gauge had an inch in it.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
As much as I dislike working outside in cold weather, I needed to get
those seedlings in the ground, so I did. The soil was already a
little too wet for ideal planting, so with a 100% chance of rain
tonight I wanted to get it done before the ground turned to pure
mud. After several dry weeks with an occasional sprinkle, now
we're in a wet weather pattern with mostly cloudy skies and some
rain every day or
two. It tends to interfere with outdoor work, but the
plants love it.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Overnight rain left 2.2" in the gauge this morning. Today was mostly
cloudy, but a surprise break prompted me to get out and shoot another
portrait, this time in direct sunlight. While I had the car out I went
for a test drive around the block (two miles) and found that with
the new Stutzman wheels the car moves along at cruising speed (35 mph)
without wandering all over the road. I believe now I'm about ready for
some serious driving. But first, clean sox. I was about to run out, so
did laundry today. While the clothes washed and dried I read a book on
speedometers to learn about the original Stewart I aim to install on
the runabout.

March 30, 2017
Today's first job was adjusting
the hand brakes on the runabout. Except for a run to town for
groceries, I spent the rest of the day sorting and putting away parts
and tools and cleaning small parts. I think I could work full time on
little stuff like that and still not get it all done.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Time out for housekeeping. With cousins coming for an overnight stay, I
spent all day getting the house ready. Most of that was upstairs,
putting away tools left from last summer's reconstruction, vacuuming,
making beds, etc. I expect to have those rooms in use again for the
family reunion in June. After that I'll start interior work up there,
installing new sheetrock, adding some more outlets, new woodwork,
flooring, painting, etc.