Friday, April 1, 2016
On the road to California. I got
started about 12:30 in the afternoon, stopped in Amarillo for dinner
about seven, and drove on to the first New Mexico rest area to snooze

Wind farm construction has
taken off in recent years. I've seen a lot of them on this trip.

A field west of Enid.


I've driven by this old time
dealership in Fairview many times. This time I stopped to get a picture.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Day Two of my trip west was in
New Mexico and Arizona.
Santa Rosa, NM. 7 AM, 32º.
Laguna Pueblo, NM.
Looking west on old Route 66 east
of Flagstaff. San Francisco Peaks.
Grand Canyon National Park. I've
been to the North Rim several times, but this was only my third visit
to the South Rim. My other two stops there were in 1949 and 1968. It's
just as impressive as it always has been.

Grand Canyon, I drove down to Williams for dinner, then on to the rest
area south of Kingman where I spent the night.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
The last day of the drive
included one of the things that make me glad I got out of California.
When I gassed up at Hesperia the price per gallon was over a dollar
more than I pay at home. Los Angeles traffic doesn't scare me because I
was raised in it. But I'm very glad that my daily life in Kansas
involves absolutely no stop and go on a freeway. Said stop and go
brought me to my friend Herb's place in Woodland Hills at about three
in the afternoon. Last week he told me he has a nice guest
room, so I said I'd try to be a nice guest.
Monday, April 4, 2016
With editing photos, catching up
on email and websites, etc., I spent more of my day at the computer
than I do at home. In the afternoon our old pal Michael C. Ford came
over and we visited into the evening. I've known Herb since 1963, and
we met Ford in 1970, so we have plenty of history to chew over, along
with the current ludicrous state of humanity.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Appropriately for a vacation, if you
can vacation when you're already retired, I didn't do much of anything
today. I updated the website and went with Herb to a doctor's
appointment, and this evening we went to an Asian buffet. I think
tomorrow I'll get out and do some California stuff.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Today I went downtown by bus and subway on the Metro for shopping and
sightseeing. The shopping was for shirts which elsewhere would have
cost three or four times as much. The sightseeing was at Union Station,
the old plaza, and Olvera Street. Here area a few pictures. There are a
lot more in my Facebook
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Another bus and subway ride today took me to Hollywood. My mission
there was to buy film. I can still buy print film at home, but slide
film is long gone, and has been for several years. I have to drive to
Wichita for it or buy it online.
So it makes sense to pick up a couple of rolls when it's convenient.
The 70¢ I spent riding today was a lot less than the cost of a drive to
Wichita or the postage for an online order.
April 8, 2016
Today's adventure began with a drive on the 405 in Friday afternoon
traffic. I was headed to Lomita to pick up my brother then meet a
friend for dinner and a show. I thought I'd be down there in an hour,
but I forgot that this was Friday afternoon. So it was closer to two
hours. But I did get there, and we did go to dinner and a show. The
pictures are in another Facebook


April 9, 2016
On a very lazy day I went with
Herb and his daughter Sam and granddaughter Lilly for brunch on Sam's
birthday. Lilly is a very cute baby. I spent the rest of the day
playing online and making some plans for the week ahead.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Today's touring adventure was a drive
up the coast to Santa Barbara County. The pictures are in another
Facebook album.
Monday, April 11, 2016
After a morning three mile run and a
shower, my main project of the day was adding a page to the website.
Somebody posted a video on Facebook showing a guy crank starting a 1916
touring in a way that could easily lead to a broken arm. Rather than
just commenting and moving on, I made a page devoted to the subject so
the next time the subject comes up, as it seems to do often, I can just
post a link rather
than take the time to type everything again.
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Looking east at White Point,
where Paseo del Mar ends abruptly.

Looking back at White Point from
the east.

Where the road went: You can see some of the remains of Paseo del Mar,
about fifty feet blow where it used to be.

Today I
visited old friend Dan in Hawthorne, then went to lunch with old friend
DeEtte. After lunch we drove around Palos Verdes Peninsula and I got to
see the depressing overdevelopment that has replaced the former scenic
drive. In San Pedro we visited the spot where part of the coastline
collapsed, taking the road with it. West of there, at
Portuguese Bend, is an area where the land has been collapsing
decades . There the water mains are laid out on top of the
ground, and every year the road gets new asphalt patches. Houses built
in that area were destroyed in a few years.
Battleship Iowa.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
A Model T night out. I went to dinner with fellow T aficionados Martin
Vowell and George Clipner, and Martin's wife Jodi and her mom. After
dinner we went to Martin's place for more old car blather and to see
Martin's car.

Martin & George

Martin's mother-in-law Betty
with Jodi

George's 1926 touring in the
parking lot at Norm's.

In Martin's garage. His 1922
touring is currently undergoing engine/transmission work.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Goofed off, dined in with Herb, and his friend Marianne joined us.

Friday, April 15, 2016
Had a big day. Off to the Bakersfield swap meet with George Clipner,
Martin Vowell, and Derrick Pang.

Erik Barrett, Martin, Derrick, Steve, George. More pictures later,
after I get home.
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Dinner with Johnnie and Trina Moore. Johnnie was one of my students
over thirty years ago.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Went to the Orange Empire Railway museum with brother Mike.

More pictures later, after I get home.
Monday, April 18, 2016

On my first travel day home I had this view of the San Francisco Peaks
from the west. I bedded down at the first New Mexico rest area near
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I hit the road at 4 AM MDT, and would have been home in twelve hours if
not for this. With bridge construction near Fairview, I spent forever
waiting to cross the Cimarron River.

April 19, 2016
During last month's road-clearing work I accidentally backed the truck
into a tree and bent the tailgate. So today's automotive project was
applying weight to the bent piece to straighten it out. It isn't
like new, but it's considerably better than it was. I have lots of yard
work to do, but will have to wait for the ground to dry out a bit
before using the truck. Recent rains have left lots of mud, perfect for
getting stuck. This morning the rain gauge had 4.3" in it.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Warming temps and recent rains
have got the plants off to a roaring start, so my yard work season
started today with tree trimming and a little mowing. There's plenty
more mowing to do, so it will take a few days. I hope I can get it done
before the next rain that's supposed to arrive Tuesday. Along with the
mowing, of course, there's a lot of weeding, trimming, planting,
transplanting and hauling away to do. I could do yard work full time,
but vehicle maintenance and repair, house rebuilding, and plenty of
other things guarantee that I'll never run out of things to do. One
thing on my list for tomorrow is replacing a water line that was
wrecked by a winter freeze. Fortunately it's only four feet long, not a
big job.


April 22, 2016
In the morning I got started
making a fuel shut-off device for my touring car. I could put a
shut-off valve at the carburetor, but there are two reasons I'd rather
not. One is that Model T's didn't come from the factory with one, and
I'd like the car to look correct. More important is that with the valve
next to the carburetor it might be difficult or impossible to reach if
there's an engine compartment fire. Such fires are unlikely, but they
do happen. So I'm making a handle that goes from the valve under the
tank out to the side of the car so I can reach it without having to
crawl underneath. I got a good start on it this morning, and should
have it finished, blasted, painted, and installed within a week. Then
I'll put in the new fuel line and be ready to go for a drive. This
afternoon I went to town and got three tomato plants, and planted them
east of the house. I hope they'll do better than last year's total
failures. They can't do any worse. I also got that replacement water
line and installed it, so I actually finished two things today. About
three I started up the mowing tractor and mowed until almost five, and
made a pretty good dent in what needs to be mowed. I'll do more of it

April 23, 2016
In the morning I worked on that fuel shutoff for the touring car some
more, then mowed. I
finished almost all the mowing except the banks along the road. Maybe I
can get those done tomorrow. My other project for the day was digging
next to the water meter to see what's there. For thirty years I've had
to mow around a hole with corrugated roofing laid over it. Today I
decided to take off the cover and see if I could find out what's under
it. It took a lot of digging, but I found what's down
there. I thought there might be a shutoff valve, but it turned out to
be what looks like a pressure regulator. It was buried under
about foot of dirt. Now that I know what's there, I can go on to
the next thing: devising a cover I can run over with the mower and
won't have to mow around.

April 24, 2016
It was a beautiful spring day,
and I spent it outdoors. In the morning I mowed the lane to the wood
lot and most of the south bank. About 11:30 shoving a push mower was
starting to get a little
steamy, even with a good breeze blowing, so I left the rest of the
mowing to continue tomorrow. Next was transplanig four little redbuds
along the lane. With the ones that were already there and the ones I
planted last fall, there are now well over a dozen. In a few years they
should make a nice spring display. I ended the day cutting down some
little trees along the lane and poisoning the stumps to keep them gone,
and hauling the branches to the brush pile. I think I could easily
spend all my time just on yard work, but there are plenty of other
things to do. Being retired and on a fixed meager income, I do just
about everything myself. When I win the PCH $7000 a week for life, I'll
hire help. Until then, I'm the only help I can afford.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Today's main job was gathering up the pieces of two inconveniently
placed trees I
cut down last month, splitting them, and stacking the wood in the
garage to dry out for burning next fall and winter. There are still a
couple of piles of branches and twigs from those trees to haul off to
the brush pile. That will clear the way for mowing that part of the
yard. I also hauled water down the lane and gave a drink to the four
redbuds I transplanted yesterday. They were looking a bit droopy in the
afternoon, but by this evening they had perked up quite a bit.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
With the hourly forecast predicting a good
chance of serious weather in the afternoon, I wanted to finish my yard
excavation before any storms arrived. I laid a wall of bricks
around the pressure regulator, put a cover of Hardie Board over them,
and filled in the hole. I had the hole filled in and the tools put away
by one PM. My afternoon was devoted to doing laundry and grocery
shopping. I used to do laundry on Saturdays, but since retiring I can
do it whenever I run out of clean sox. The rain arrived in the evening
about eight, and came down pretty well at times, so I won't need to do
any watering for a few days.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Well, that was a nice surprise. Last night's storm didn't
seem all that intense, and I was guessing maybe a half inch of rain or
less, but this morning the gauge had .85" in it. That will make the
plants happy. This morning I went to the cemetery to meet with
the sexton and a tree specialist from the university at Fort Hays to
discuss trees. Some of my cousins have offered to donate trees, and we
talked about what trees to get and where to put them. I spent most of
the rest of the day on my 1923 Ford touring. It's due for
engine/transmission work this summer, but until then I'd like to use
it. So I aired up the tires, tightened the hose clamps, filled the new
radiator, and went for a couple of test drives. It gets along OK,
considering the tired engine and the weak magneto.
Thursday, April 28, 2016


I finished mowing the banks and ditches on both sides of the road, then
used a hi-lift jack to remove the T post beside a young elm tree in the
back yard. The tree has grown too tall for a stake to do it any good,
so I'm using nylon rope to keep it upright until it's ready to stand up
straight on its own. In the afternoon I went to town and bought a new
watch band to replace the flexible band that broke today. It was a
recent replacement for another flex band that broke, so it seems those
are too delicate to survive the use I give them. This time I bought a
strap that buckles on. Maybe that will endure more than a few weeks.
I've been dogless since September, so while I was out I went to the
pound to look at dogs. I put a hold for a day on one likely candidate,
but I saw a couple of others on Facebook that I want to meet too.
Friday, April 29, 2016
On a chilly and wet day I worked in
the shop. I cotter pinned bolts on the roadster engine, safety wired
the brake drum bolts, and cleaned up the manifold ports and manifolds.
I want to get that car back together and take advantage of the coming
pleasant spring weather with some nice country drives. Today wasn't
terribly cold, with a high in the fifties, but it was cool enough for
me to have fires in the stove and the fireplace. Last fires of the
season? Probably. But with Kansas weather you can never be sure of anything.
April 30, 2016
First thing this morning I was on the road to Hutchinson. The ad for an
auction there listed a Craftsman commercial lathe. So many times in the
past lathes for sale have been disappointments, but this was a good one
and came with a lot of tools, so I bought it. I also got a valve
grinding machine. I went by car, so Monday I'll go back with the
Suburban to fetch my new toys home.