![]() 1965 |
1930's |
2024 |
May 24, 2024 I did get in a little more yard work today. I started up the old Dodge and used it to pull down that last branch that was hanging on the tree. One of the truck's problems is that it gets hard to start if it sits more than a couple of days, and I have to use starting fluid to get it running. Another problem is that it has taken to running rough. So I went to town for another can of starting fluid and some new points and a condenser for the distributor. Being Mister Thrifty, I use the lowest-priced starting fluid, which is from Walmart. The shelf was empty. No problem. I have enough to last until it's back in stock. So I moved on to O'Reilly. When I said I wanted points and a condenser for a 1951 Dodge B-3-C, I was asked which distributor it has. I have never run into that before. The make, year, and model have always been all I needed. I never knew there were two different distributors used on the same model. So now I need to find out which one I have. Saturday, May 25, 2024 Have I ever told you that I hate being so damned old? But so far it's preferable to the alternative, so I'll put up with it. Today's major chore was yard work of two kinds. One was to finish trimming twigs and little branches from the piece I pulled down with the truck, cutting them in pieces small enough for me to grab them by the handful and toss them in the stove. Enough of that, said my aching back. The other yard work was |