VACATION 2008, Page 1

VACATION 2008, Page 3


Page 2


With camp set up by the Kern River, I headed for Tulare and the tractor show. I was surprised to find that the show was smaller than some in the midwest. California being the leading agricultural state doesn't translate into a huge turnout of antique farm equipment, and the features common at midwestern shows, like threshing or shinglemaking, weren't there.





1919 Huber Light Four

Horsepower: Drawbar 12, Belt 25; Weight: 5200 pounds; Cost: $985











The real Case, and the aluminum can Case.




Allis Chalmers WC high crop with sugar cane loader used in Louisiana sugar cane fields.





This 1926 Ford sedan, always in the same family, is remarkably well preserved.


1937 Unitrac Tractor, manufactured by Universal Engine & Propeller company, Alameda, California

Factory engine: Indian Motorcyle



This may explain why so many TT trucks have broken leaves in their rear springs. If all those cans were full of milk, the load would be over two tons.




VACATION 2008, Page 1

VACATION 2008, Page 3