Saturday, October 1, 2016
Well, that was disappointing. I
was going to clean up piles of yard waste this morning, but the
truck wouldn't start. Trying to get it going I ran the battery down, so
I put a charger on it and went about other chores. I paid bills, filed
some of the stuff that's collected on my computer desktop, and put
together and posted a new Facebook album.
With the outside of the house nearing completion, this afternoon I
decided to start preparing to attack the inside. I intend to do the
southeast bedroom first. That was Ernestine's room. She was organist at
Trinity Church for sixty years, and today I started boxing up organ
music. I'll give it to the music school at WSU. I'll never take up
organ playing, so it might as well go where somebody may be able to use
it. This evening I went to eat at Amore's, the new restaurant on First
Street. That's off the main drag, and at least three other restaurants
have failed in that location, so I wish them luck. After dinner I went
to see Deepwater Horizon. I
was very impressed.
It may be the best movie I've seen this year. Mark Wahlberg, Kurt
Russell, John Malkovich, Gina Rodriguez, and the rest of the cast are
excellent. The photography, special effects, sound, sets, are all spot
on, and director Peter Berg makes it a moving and fast-moving
experience. I'll be disappointed if there are no Oscar nominations for
this one.

October 2, 2016
Today's main activities were
three jobs. First was doing laundry. While I was out doing that, I
bought a condenser to do the second, which was to get the truck running
again. The condenser did the trick, and I made a little video. Third was getting ready to leave for
Hershey in the morning. I've probably forgotten something, but maybe
I'll get lucky and remember it before I go.
Monday, October 3, 2016
On the road to Hershey. Just one
little glitch. I missed a turn and found myself on the way to Chicago.
Fortunately I noticed it early and didn't go very far before getting
back on I-70. I got as far as the mile 107 rest area east of Indy and
bedded down in the Camry Motel at 12:15 AM.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The only holdup of Day Two on the road was hitting Columbus during the
morning rush. That's a poor name for it. A more accurate term would be
morning crawl. Fortunately its a smaller town than New York or L.A., so
I was in it for only half an hour. I stopped for gas in Mercer PA and
experienced a bit of sticker shock. The price in Missouri was $1.959,
and in Mercer it was $2.499. Welcome to the East.
Wednesday, September 5, 2016
I'm not taking a lot of time for
picture editing on the road. A brief report on Day One: I did a lot of
walking, met and visited with some forum friends, and bought some good
stuff. The buy of the day was a "new" cylinder head for my runabout for
$40. That made me happy. I also bought a new tack strip for the
runabout, and a few minor items. At the end of the day my feet were
killing me.
Thursday, September 6, 2016
For Day Two I installed some foam pads
in my boots, and that helped. My feet are starting to recover from the
first day. Again I covered a lot of ground, met and visited with more
forum friends, and bought some goodies. Today's haul included a couple
of Holley G carburetor bodies, an unusual timer, and several
interesting spark plugs. The weather forecast is good, so with no
rainout this year I expect to cover the entire meet.
Friday, September 7, 2016
Much better. Those foam
pads in my boots, plus nine hours of sack time, had my aching feet
almost fully recovered today. The remarkable three days of perfect
weather allowed me to cover the whole meet this time. I finished up
this afternoon and had plenty of time to visit at the MTFCA and MTFCI
tents and rest up. Three of us went from the MTFCA tent to help one of
the guys check out a car he was considering. It turned out to have way
too much wrong with it for the money asked, and he decided to hold off
and find a better one.
Saturday, September 8, 2016
The Hershey car show always has some wondeful things to see, and this
morning was no exception. It was a cloudy morning that threatened to
get wet, and it did. I looked at the cars and visited with folks until
about noon when it was getting pretty drizzly, then headed for home.
Pictures are here. I drove to Akron, ate at Azteca, and went
on to Uper Sandusky, Ohio, where I bedded down for the night.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
I was up early and drove all day. I hit Des Moines at dinner
time, and ate at my usual meal spot there, Buffet City. They
have a couple of items not usually seen in Chinese buffets,
and I love the spinach dish I've seen nowhere else. After dinner
I went on to Omaha, where I picked up some Model T parts, and
continued on to Beatrice. By the time I hit the sack there it was
one in the morning. It was a long day, and I slept like a rock.
Monday, October 10, 2016
The final leg ofmy drive home
was by way of Wichita, where I shopped for small aluminum tubing and quarter
inch black pipe. Neither store I tried had what I wanted, so I suppose
I'll have to buy online and pay for shipping. I got home
about one and spent the afternoon gassing up the car, buying groceries,
and starting to get unloaded. Lizzie was nowhere to be seen until meal
time. She showed up as I was feeding the cats, and went bonkers when
she saw that I was home.
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
I spent a good chunk of the morning editing and posting about half the
car show pictures, then finished unloading and started a bit of
cleaning up in the shop.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Shop cleanup continued. With sufficent space cleared, I put the
roadster engine/transmission on the stand where I'll work on it. I need
to get it ready to go to Mike and have its broken valve lifter
replaced. He wants to have a look at it and see what went wrong.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Today's main activities were finding a good Holley NH carburetor body
and shipping it to a new Model T owner in New York who needs one to
rebuild, taking an inspection tour of the johnson grass I recently
sprayed (one more spraying may finish the job), and more dismantling of
the roadster engine/transmission with the broken valve lifter. With a
high around 60º it was a day to wear a coat. In the current up-and-down
weather pattern, the
highs will get up around 90º for a few days, then we'll be back around
60º again.
Friday, October 14, 2016
The main job of the day was
dismantling and cleaning engine and transmission parts.

Saturday, October 15, 2016
One more day of work on the roadster
engine has it almost ready to go to Mike. All that remains is to mount
it on some wooden skids and load it in the Suburban. This being
Saturday, I followed my custom of eating in town and taking in a movie.
It was Miss
Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.
Fantasy films are not my favorite genre, but I enjoyed this one. At age
nineteen but looking younger, Asa Butterfield has ten years of acting
experience, and is already very good. I was quite impressed by his
convincing American accent.

Sunday, October 16, 2016
Today I finished preparing the roadster's engine for its trip to Tulsa, putting it on a wooden
platform and loading it in the Suburban. Next I need to get parts for
the touring's engine and transmission ready to go. I'm still looking
through my parts supply for a
good low drum with a good gear. Then I have to blast a bunch of parts
and balance the transmission drums. I hope I can have everything ready
to go sometime next week.
Monday, October 17, 2016
After a morning run, breakfast, and a
shower I spent the morning online, catching up on the Model T forum,
forcing myself not to comment on Facebook political nonsense, and
deleting emails. At noon I started filling out forms for tomorrow's
appointment with an eye specialist, and by the time I looked up
all the requested information and filled out the medical history, I had
spent nearly four hours at it. I finished up the day in the barn,
looking through Model T parts for a good low drum. I didn't find a
loose one that I liked, so I'll dismantle one of my spare transmissions
and see if there's a decent low drum in it.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
I brought three transmissions from the barn over to the shop and spent
most of the morning dismantling one of them. I had to quit and go to
Wichita for an ophtalmologist appointment that took up the rest of the
day. While I was in Wichita I
bought one more bundle of shingles to finish the outside of the house.
There are a couple of downstairs places that need new shingles.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Well, Rats! I'm dogless again. This
morning Lizzy got careless about running out in the road, and got hit
by a passing car. That's two dogs killed by vehicles in four months. I
hope I have better luck with the next one, or that the next one has
better luck with me. In the shop I finished dismantling the
transmission I started on yesterday. The driven gear that holds the
three drums together didn't want to come off, but the impact wrench and
the biggest three-jaw puller I have finally did the job. I had another
set of drums with a stubborn gear that wouldn't budge for months, and
with the big puller I managed to get that one off too. In the morning
I'll clean up some of the drums and start sandblasting.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
That's what I did. I spent the morning
cleaning transmission drums, and set a couple of them boiling in lye to
remove any remaining oil. While those were boiling I sandblasted. I did
the hogshead (transmission cover), all three pedals, a couple of crank
pulleys, and some smaller parts. I started blasting at noon and finished up about
4:30, and was pleased at how much I got done.

Friday, October 21, 2016
I spent the morning in the shop, preparing transmission drums for
blasting by covering the parts I want to protect with Gorilla tape.
While I was doing that, occasionally I took a few minutes to paint some
of the parts I blasted yesterday. In the afternoon I drove over to
Oxford and picked up a new pup. She's supposed to be a lab mix, but she
seems pretty calm and quiet. We'll see how she is when she gets used to
her new surroundings.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Auction day. I got in a little shop time this morning, but spent
most of the day at an auction where I spent $10 for a good nylon
rope, $1 for a welding clamp, and $1 for a Model T
wrench in a box of miscellaneous stuff. This evening
I met two disappointments and two good times. The disappointments
were the best local barbecue place being out of business and La Fiesta
still being closed for remodeling. The good times were dinner at the
Chinese buffet and The Accountant,
a good movie.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
In the morning I went out with the sprayer to attack the johnson grass
and other undesirables, then did a little more preparation of
transmission drums, getting them ready for blasting. This afternoon I
went to town for a show. The newly restored 1924 Burford Theater had a
showing of Disney's Snow White.
After 79 years, it's still a great movie.
Monday, October 24, 2016
This morning I sprayed again. I'm making progress on the johnson
grass, and I hope to have it pretty well killed off before cold weather
puts the plants to sleep for the winter. If any of it starts coming
back in the spring I'll hit it early and hard. This afternoon's work
was sandblasting transmission drums. The brake drum and the two low
drums look OK, but both reverse drums have cracks in them. I hope I
don't run out of old transmissions to dismantle before I find a good

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
All morning I dismantled another transmission, and in the afternoon I
sandblasted more drums. As usual, today's reverse drum had a
flaw. Not cracks this time, but a chipped tooth. This is getting
really annoying.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Rain in the morning kept me inside. I cleaned transmission parts,
put them in plastic bags, and filed them by part number.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Not much work done today. I did pull and stack some weeds, but
doing lundry and running errands used up most of my day. Maybe
I''ll get more done tomorrow.
Friday, October 28, 2016
If variety is the spice of life, I had a spicy day. I repaired a couple
of downstairs window frames, pulled and stacked more weeds, and tied
plastic strips to redbuds. The strips are to identify them for
transplanting after the leaves are off and the plants are asleep for
the winter.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
More spice. I finished pulling and stacking yesterday's weed patch,
finished sandblasting one head
and did about two thirds of another one, and painted a transmission
inspection cover. I cut up a bag for more plastic strips, and will ID
more redbuds with them tomorrow.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Today actually felt like fall. I think the temperature at noon was
about 60º. Not cold, but cooler than we've been having. I pulled
another weed patch, then took a walk through the wood lot to see what
kind of road maintenance I need to do. There are some fallen trees and
branches I'll need to cut up, but the big old cottonwood fell away from
the road. The smaller trees in the road will be short work. In the
afternoon I finished sandblasting the low head I brought home from
Hershey, plus a set of windshield hinges and part of an engine pan I'll
finish later.



Monday, October 31, 2016
My morning work was cleaning up and boxing some of the transmission
parts left over from my search for a good reverse drum. In the
afternoon I did more sandblasting, then went to town and picked up the
new glass for the two windows I'm repairing, plus a tube of window
putty. Cold weather isn't here yet, but I want to have those windows
fixed before it arrives.