Saturday, November 5, 2016
Today's project was magneto parts. I weighed magnets and marked the weights on them, then mined another magneto for parts. When I have a full set of sixteen magnets all with weights only a couple of grams apart, I'll grind a gram or two off the heavier ones until they all match perfectly. That should help in balancing the flywheel. This being Saturday, I went to town for dinner. That was especially enjoyable because La Fiesta was open after having been closed a couple of months for remodeling. The dinner of enchiladas blancas and frijoles refritos was a delight. After dinner came the movie, Hacksaw Ridge. One of the best movies I've seen this year. Well directed by Mel Gibson and well acted by the cast. |
Sunday, November 6, 2016 How I spent my Sunday afternoon. This door
to my shop is solid core and weighs a ton, but the core is particle
board. Easy chewing for puppy teeth. She was making pretty good
progress getting through it, so I took it down and did some
reinforcing. I hope it will foil her efforts until she's past the
chewing puppy stage.
![]() Rocky and my "new" Jeep.
![]() Kelso Dunes
![]() Prickly pear in May
I spent the morning scanning slides. These
were pictures of exploring the Mojave Desert in the spring of 1970. In
the afternoon I got started on a project to disappoint squirrels. I've
been hearing them in the attic over my second story office, so I need
to install some metal siding up under the eaves to keep them out. To do
that I'll need a ladder on top of a scaffold, so today I cleared away
the little trees by the building. |
Trim branches out of the way.
Mash them down.
Remove the tree.
![]() Fixing my broken Jeep. Hitting
that big
rock behind the door is what broke it.
![]() Rocky the cave dog.
![]() Sand storm on I-15.
![]() Dry lake at Zzyzx.
![]() Calico ghost town.
![]() Almost done.
Machining the transmission cover
to install oil seals.
Turning a drive plate on the
lathe to make it line up straight.
Monday, November 21, 2016 Morning was devoted to a trip to Wichita for a medical appointment. In the afternoon I continued getting things together for tomorrow's trip to Tulsa. In fact, that went on into the evening and I didn't get to bed until midnight. Tuesday, November 22, 2016 Up at five and on the road at 6:15, I put in a full day. Mike Bender and I worked mostly on my transmission. A rebuilder today puts in a lot more time and attention to detail than the Ford factory did when they were turning out thousands of Model T's every day. One detail is balancing transmission drums. Ford didn't bother with it, but it's standard practice now. We got a lot done, and I brought home some things to work on before our next session. The drive to and from Mike's place is almost three hours, and I got home about seven. |
November 27, 2016
A blustery day had me in the shop today, mostly working on transmission cover assembly. The low pedal didn't want to fit on its new shaft, so I used one of the adjustable reamers for the first time. I've had them for several years but never had occasion to use them, so it took me a few minutes to figure out how they work. I got the clutch shaft installed in the hogshead, and got the low pedal and shaft together, painted them and some other parts, and put them in the oven to bake. The last job of the day was putting away tools and parts, bringing a trace of order to the rampant chaos. There's a huge amount of sorting and organizing to do, because there are parts I'm sure I have and not a clue where they are. |