Thursday January 1, 2015 I spent the first morning of the new year in my upstairs office at the computer, researching radiator mounting parts to help Martin Vowell with his drawings. He intends to draw exploded views of all the parts for all years of the Model T. I suspect he doesn't fully realize yet what a huge project that will be. Many of the thousands of parts came in several variations during those nineteen years of Model T production. One example would be the nut holding the radiator mounting stud. There were at least two different versions, both with the same part number. In the afternoon I went to town for groceries, brought in firewood for the evening, and broke my routine with some extra cooking. I hardly ever do any baking, but this evening I had the traditional New Year's meal of black eyed peas and cornbread. Ate so much that afterwards I had to lie down and take a nap. |
Monday, January 5, 2015 At 8:42 this morning I received an email telling me that today was the day for the roofers to come. So I got into my cold weather gear and set about removing the bags of old roofing and the tarps they were holding in place. Not wanting to crash to the ground twelve feet below, I was very careful about where I stepped. There were a lot of icy patches on the tarps that made them dangerously slick. When I started the temperature was in the low twenties and a stiff breeze was blowing from the south. A south wind warms things up, but until it does it makes outdoor work pretty miserable. Cold weather turns my nose into a snot fountain, of course, so I had to take occasional breaks in the shop to warm up, wipe my nose, and wipe the tears from my eyes and my glasses so I could see what I was doing. Once I had the tarps and bags off the roof, I swept up the leaves, little bits of old roofing, loose bits of roof tar, and other trash. Then I set about nailing on the 2 x 4 boards around the edges. A layer of 1 1/2" insulation would go inside those. By the time the roofers arrived around two I had everything ready for them and they set about installing the insulation. I told them they could go in the shop and thaw their fingers if they wanted, but they kept at it steadily and by five they had the insulation installed and the Durolast roofing over it. All that remains for them to do is to finish up the edges and install the metal edging. That will be tomorrow's job, before the really cold weather arrives on Wednesday. The forecast says tomorrow will warm up almost to freezing, so that will be comfortable for working if the wind doesn't blow like it did today. After this the only roof remaining to fix on the house will be the back porch. That's small, and I should have it done sometime this spring. |
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
One of the roofers returned today to finish up, trimming the edges and installing the metal edging. While he was doing that, I spread all the tarps out on the lawn to evaporate the ice off of them. Then I got busy cutting up scrap boards and splitting wood to provide heat for few days. In the evening I finally got around to sanding the spackling I put on that new ceiling. I discovered a few places I missed, so I'll have to get another can of spackle. There isn't much to do, so I should have the celing painted this week and be ready to start putting in shelves. |
delighted to have the new roof on at last, and not have to worry about
leaks whenever there's rain or snow. All the roofing that remains to do
on the house is the back porch. It's not as bad as it looks. The lower
edges have rotted, but the other wood is good, and there are no
leaks. Being such a small job, it will probably take me less than a
week to do. But it's going to wait for warmer weather. As long as it
doesn't leak, there's no need to suffer. Meanwhile, I'll move a
couple of the scaffolds around behind the house for when I work on the
upstairs wall. It will get at least new shingles, and maybe new
window frames. I'll find out about that when I get up there and
get the job started. While everything takes longer than you think it
will, I intend to have the whole outside of the house finished
this year and maybe even get started on the inside.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
After my customary morning email and website checks, I got back to work installing weather strip on top of the north door. There was a lot of going up the ladder, marking where to drill, going down the ladder, drilling, threading holes, cutting pieces, going up the ladder, putting in screws, etc., etc. I finally had it finished about a quarter after one. I made a trip to town and got more steel for the south door, came back and split firewood for a couple of evenings, and got dinner. I don't cook much, but tonight I used the last of the eggs I bought a couple of weeks ago to make cornbread, an old favorite treat. Thursday, January 15, 2015 Another morning on weather strip, this time on the south door, took less time at the grinder than the north one did. I got the steel strips cut, ground narrower where they needed it, holes drilled, and screwed in place. In the afternoon I had to go to town for a dental appointment, to buy celery, and to get more weather strip. When I got home there wasn't time to get much done except bring in wood for the evening. Tomorrow I should get the top of the south door finished, then I can start on the sides. I did find time to set a slow hose going on some of the little trees I planted last year. I've been waiting for this warm weather to arrive and thaw the hose so I could water. So far the winter has been colder than usual, but also mighty dry. |
Monday, January 19, 2015 I never went off the place today. One of the guys from the Model T forum reminded me that the rings in my fresh engine might not be seated yet. That would keep it from sucking in enough fuel from the carburetor. So I pulled the plugs, squirted some oil into each cylinder, replaced the plugs, choked a couple of turns, turned the switch, and pulled the crank. The car started right up with no trouble. But I noticed a ding ding ding from the fan hitting the ratchet. So I shut it off, got on the phone and ordered a longer fan belt. My other job in the shop today was sorting carburetor parts. In the afternoon I enjoyed the beautiful weather sawing and splitting firewood. |
![]() This evening somebody suggested
that everyone should post a picture of his shop on the forum, so I took
this shot.
January 21, 2015 Again I spent too much of my morning playing online and didn't get busy until eleven. I did some cleaning up in the middle room of the shop and got a little done on preparing to build shelves, but had to go to town for lag screws and shields to fasten the shelves to the wall. In the afternoon I got out the hammer and wedges and split some more of the wood I cut Monday. I was in my office checking email when I heard lots of excited barking right outside. When I went out to see what all the fuss was about, I found Daisy pestering a young raccoon. It soon climbed to a safe spot in the big oak tree by the shop and stayed there until she went away. Back inside, I found one of today's emails was an offer fromVerizon to lower my phone bill. I spent over an hour in live chat with one of their agents. First I had him talk me through the steps to set my phone to block text messages. I don't send them, and I have no desire to pay for receiving any. If anyone wants to reach me they'll have to do it the old fashioned way and just talk. Then I had him put me on the new cheaper plan. Supposedly it will cut my monthly bill to less than half of what I've been paying. If it really does, that will be a good thing. We shall see. Thursday, January 22, 2015 This morning I ran a compression test on the touring car, shot some pictures of my improvised tester, wrote a little piece about it, and sent it off to the Vintage Ford editor. It's been months since I sent him anything, but not because I haven't tried. Occasionally I'd have an idea and try it, shooting pictures of each step, but then reach a point where it didn't work. But this one was simple and worked exactly as intended. The first test results were consistent, 35, 35, 36, 35, but low. Good compression for a Model T is 45 to 50 pounds. With a bit of oil squirted in each cylinder, I got 37, 38, 40, 47. It's best to do a compression test with the engine warm, so tomorrow I'll run it a bit before testing and see what results I get. |
Saturday, January 24, 2015
As usual, the midwinter clinic was enjoyable and educational. In the morning and part of the afternoon Mike Bender discussed and showed engine and transmission rebuilding and assembly, then Larry Sigworth ended the day with a presentation on racer /speedster history and features. For my own use I prefer a stock Model T, but it was interesting to see the modifications on the speedsters on display. |