Monday, December 1, 2014 The thermometer outside the kitchen window
showed 16º this morning, but
the north wind made it feel colder. I worked indoors, of course, taking care
of a little job that's been waiting while I worked on the roof. When I
got my roadster it had a brake rod missing, so I made one to match what
was on the car. It worked OK with the old stock brake shoes, but one of
those was broken so I installed new lined brake shoes. It turned out
that the rods were too short to work with the new shoes. Brake rods are
supposed to be 54" long, and these were 53". So today I made them
longer. In the afternoon I took time out to do laundry, go to the
courthouse and pay the property taxes, and pay the fertilizer and water
bills. At the laundry I heard a woman say the Winfield water bill was
$80. My rural water district bill is usually $20. There's one of the
many reasons I'm glad I don't live in town. When I got home I brought
in firewood for the evening, put the laundry away, and then got back to
the brake rods. The forecast for tomorrow shows warming up above 40º,
so I'll get back to work on the roof.
I added enough thread to a pair of 5/16-24 bolts to match the threads on an original brake rod, cut the heads off, and cut enough off the rods to make each rod & bolt combination 54" long. |
Then all I had to do was weld them together... |
...grind off the bumps, ... |
...smooth the grinding, ...
...and shoot on a couple of
coats of paint.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Today I moved one of the shorter scaffolds from the east side of the house to the north side. I had planned to get started on fixing/rebuilding the north edge of the roof, but didn't get much done on that other than moving the tarps out of the way. I had to go to town to buy screws for the job, and get celery, and stop at the lumber yard to order another eighteen-foot 2 x 6. When I got home I got sidetracked on another job, taking down screens and putting up storm windows in the living room. I should have done that a month ago, but kept putting it off in favor of more pressing matters. Tomorrow is supposed to warm up to the forties, so I should get a lot done on that north edge of the roof. Wednesday, December 3, 2014 This was the day to get some serious work done on the north end of the roof. I cut a long board to go under the outer ends of the eaves. All the boards will screwed to it to keep them even and the fascia will be nailed to it. I got it on and about half the boards screwed to it until I reached the place where I have to start replacing things. Four of the roof boards are rotten and/or warped at the outer ends, so I have to cut and remove the outer three feet of them and put in replacement pieces. I'm using good parts of other old boards for that. I'm saving as much of the original lumber as I can. A challenge I'm going to face is finding a stain that will make the new lumber look like the original. |
I have to remove and replace the outer three feet of four boards that are too bad at the ends to keep. |
Friday, December 5, 2014
It all started with the intention to install the repaired brake rods in my roadster. But each rod takes a 5/16"-24 nut, so I went looking. There wasn't a single one in the hardware cabinet. That brought my attention to a couple of boxes. Each box contained a jumble of miscellaneous fasteners and other parts. Over the months when I was working on a project and had extra stuff left over, the stuff would go in a box and I'd think, "I'll sort that out later." Well, today was later. I spent a big chunk of my rainy day indoors sorting through both boxes, making piles of various items. A pile of SAE bolts, a pile of NC bolts, a pile of hex nuts, a pile of castle nuts, a pile of flat washers, etc. After sorting, I went through the hex nuts and found twelve of the one I needed. All twelve had been used before, and painted, but the smooth cadmium plating had caused a lot of the paint to flake off. So I wire brushed off what was left of the paint, gave them a bath of muriatic acid to remove the plating, prepped them with a phosphoric acid metal prep, painted them, and put them in the oven to bake. When I went to town for groceries, I also picked up fifty more of those nuts so I'll have plenty on hand the next time I need some. Saturday, December 6, 2014 It wasn't rain, but there was enough mist in the air to keep things soaked outside. I installed the "new" brake rods in the roadster and adjusted the brakes. I got the left wheel to lock up solid, but the right one moved a little. Looking a little closer I saw that the hub and drum weren't moving. The spokes were a little loose, letting the rim and felloe move. I took the wheel off the car and found some of the bolts were shot. Fortunately I bought some wheel bolts at Hershey in October, so I painted a set to install tomorrow. I should soon have the car ready to roll whenever weather permits. My other activity of the day was more parts sorting. I even found the box of grease cups I put away last spring and couldn't find when I wanted them. |
Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Killing time in the shop while I waited for the outdoors to warm up, I sanded the hub plate and gave it another coat of primer. I think that's the last primer it will need. One final sanding with 800 grit should have it ready for the finish coat. By eleven the outside temperature was up to 40º and I got busy on the roof. By four I had the new fascia nailed on the south end and a few other jobs done, leaving perhaps one more session before I'm ready for the roofers. With a 20% chance of rain overnight, I took time to spread the tarps and cover up the tools. If I didn't, that 20% would become 80%. Thursday, December 11, 2014 Done! Today I finished getting the living room roof ready for the roofers. I cut the 2" x 4" boards that will go outside around the layer of insulation. I removed all the broken stubs of old roofing nails I could find sticking up. And I swept and vacuumed up the bits of old hardened roofing tar, sawdust, and leaves. With rain likely over the weekend, I spent the last hour spreading the tarps and plastic for what I hope will be the last time. While all this was going on, my roadster's rear wheel hub plate was in the oven cooking. I sanded and painted it this morning before I started on the roof. Tomorrow I'll put it back on the wheel with new bolts and put the wheel back on the car. This morning I reassembled that wheel I had off the roadster and put it back on the car. I made a trip to Winfield to replenish my stock of $2 bills at the only bank in the county that keeps a supply on hand. I like the twos because they use half the space of ones. I also like to spend them with dollar coins and halves to watch the panic and confusion as the "associates" try to figure out what I've given them. While I was out I bought a couple of jars of kimchi, a habit I acquired in Korea almost fifty years ago, and stopped at the farm supply and looked at boots, as my old ones are getting pretty worn. It turned out they didn't have any that quite fit, so I may have to shop online. Back at home I finished the afternoon splitting and bringing in enough firewood to last through the weekend, which is supposed to bring rain. ![]() |
Monday, December 15,
Busy, busy, busy. Outside it was a windy and chilly 40º, but inside the barn it was a balmy 45º, and I spent a few hours rearranging and cleaning out. That immediate chore was part of my long term goal of overall organizing. My ultimate aim is to have my shop clean and organized. To do that I need to get the clutter of spare parts out of there. I need a place to store all those spare parts, so I plan to build shelves in the old dairy barn part of my shop building. Before I build the shelves in there I need to replace the leak-damaged ceiling I tore out last summer. The Sheetrock for the new ceiling is in the barn and had line shafts and bedsteads stacked on it. So today I moved things, filled a couple of trash bags, and set aside old boxes and other burnable trash that will feed the fireplace for a couple of evenings. I got the line shafts and bedsteads and other items off the Sheetrock, and I hope to get that new ceiling up within the next week or two. I also reinstalled the window in that middle room of the shop building so the wintry blast won't be blowing in when I replace the ceiling and build the shelves. Meanwhile, the east room of the shop building is crammed with a jumble of stuff I have to sort out. A lot of it is auction extras. When you buy something at an auction it's often part of a pile, and a lot of those piles have accumulated for me to sort out. Some of the stuff I will keep, and some of it will go away when I have my own auction to make some space. I have an old gas heater I'll move into that east room so I can work in there this winter and sort the piles. I would like to have the sorting done this spring and have the auction when nice weather arrives, but that's a tall order with so much stuff to go though. We shall see. I did check the rain gauge today, and found that the recent few days of mist and drizzle amounted to .77" of moisture. Tuesday, December 16, 2014 A little of this, a little of that. I went to the barn and moved smaller pieces of Sheetrock off the full sheet I'll be using. In the middle room of the shop I got rid of a few inches of the old ceiling that was in the way, so that's ready for the new Sheetrock to go up. I'll need to recruit a helper when I do that job. A four by eight foot piece of that stuff is just too clumsy for one person to handle easily. I finished painting those correct machine screws for the steering column support in the touring, and I used the air grinder to smooth the rough inside of a New Day timer I bought for $2 at Hershey. |
December 20, 2014 Today I installed the new ceiling in the middle room of the shop building. I worked on it most of the day, with occasional breaks in the heated end of the building to warm up and wipe my nose. Eventually I'll have heat in the rest of the building, but for now the middle and east rooms are just a few degrees warmer than outdoors. Saturday is my eat-in-town night, so while I was in town I bought some spackling compound to fill the cracks. I hope to finish the ceiling during the coming week and get started building some shelves in there. By the new year I should be shelving some of the stuff that's now cluttering my shop. Sunday, December 21, 2014 I thought I might fix the splitter today, but it was not to be. I took off the pump and opened it up, but didn't find what's wrong with it. I tried to look up a manual online, but didn't have a model number to look for. The manufacturer's website suggested places to look, but I found no number. So I sent them an email with pictures of the pump and the splitter. Maybe they can identify it and I can then find a manual. Meanwhile, my firewood splitting is done the old way, with a wedge and a big hammer. |
Tractor fenders, boomers, scrap metal, and a lot of other things, out. |
I have a lot of sorting and clearing out to do. |
I found that one of the cats had enjoyed a meal of squirrel sushi in here. |
Costly to replace.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
After doing laundry I stopped at the hardware store and picked up the one pipe fitting I needed. I installed it and did the rest of the plumbing, then went online and looked for replacements for a couple of broken ceramic radiants. After seeing the prices, I'll get some ceramic cement and try to fix the broken ones. Until then the heater will get along with six pairs instead of seven. Tomorrow I'll hook up the heater and try it out. This evening after dinner at the local Chinese buffet I went to see Unbroken. It's a well-made movie, and I was very impressed by the convincing aerial combat scenes. |
December 29, 2014 This morning I got on the phone to the company that made the valve on my splitter, trying to get a model number and look up repair information. I talked to one of the head guys and got his email address so I could send him pictures, and eventually he figured out which valve it is. But who made the pump and the rest of the splitter remains a mystery. Finally he gave me contact info for a repair service in Tulsa, so I'll talk to them tomorrow and see if they can be of any help. I made a trip to town and bought more spackle, but it occurred to me that with some arctic entertainment expected to blow in here tomorrow and bring single-digit temperatures, I'd better build up the wood supply enough to last a few evenings. Splitting firewood the old way, with a hammer and wedge, is a lot slower than using the splitter, so that used up the rest of my afternoon. Maybe I can get the rest of the spackling done tomorrow. Tuesday, December 30, 2014 With a morning start at 18º and a high of only about 24º, I decided to skip spackling until the weather warms up. I doubt that I could have got the temperature in that middle room up to the required 50º minimum, and I didn't want to burn up the gas trying. Instead I read the new Vintage Ford that arrived in yesterday's mail, did some sorting and putting away in the shop, shot some pictures for a Model T pal who is making parts drawings, and improved the jack adapter I made for lifting rear axles. I cut rubber from an old inner tube and glued it onto the adapter as padding to keep it from scratching the paint when lifting. I never went off the place today, but I'll have to go into town tomorrow for some bill paying. |