Sunday, December 18, 2016
Real winter weather arrived
three days before winter. Last night a
strong north wind brought the cold and a little snow, and this morning
the temperature at 8 AM was 2º. I took a picture of the house with its
thin sheet of snow, and made Christmas cards with the picture, and
addressed envelopes. I went into the house every half hour or so to put
wood in the kitchen stove to keep the room well above 32º so the
vegetables wouldn't freeze. I don't usually light a fire in the house
until I go in there in the evening, and most of the time the inside
temperature stays well above freezing. But the single digits outside
dropped the kitchen temperature under freezing and I used up a lot of
wood today. I finally figured out that when it's that cold I can just
bring the veggies out to the heated shop. It's rarely cold enough in
the house for me to have to do that.
Monday, December 19, 2016
The warmup has begun already, with a morning low of 6º and an afternoon
high of 28º. For the next couple of weeks highs in the forties are
forecast. I'll use some of that warm weather for bringing more fuel up
from the wood lot. Today's main activity was writing and sending
Christmas cards. I got a little over half of them done and will finish
up tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
On the last day of autumn I wrote and sent another batch of Christmas
cards, shopped for groceries, laid the evening fires in the kitchen
stove and the living room fireplace, and took magneto parts out of the
rust remover and prepped them. I think cards with only a signature are
pretty lame, so I always write some kind of note. The grocery store was
busier than usual, and some of the folks were buying lots of stuff.
With the days not as cold as Sunday I'm not using as much firewood, but
I do need to get the yard waste out of the truck and bring more wood up
to the house. With all the magneto parts finished and only needing to
be put away, the next job in the shop will be to mine one last
transmission for parts. It's been soaking with penetrant for several
weeks, and I hope it will come apart without putting up too much of a
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
House cleaning. My cousin Pete came over and helped get ready for
Christmas. She and another cousin and some friends will be coming
Christmas Day to tie on the feed bag, so today we got the place ready.
I did the bathroom before Pete got here, then she cleaned the living
room while I worked on the kitchen. Except for a trip to the lumber
yard to buy a couple of boards, I spent the whole day on house cleaning.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
I finished the last of the cards, drove up to the county seat and paid
the real estate taxes, bought groceries, and nearly finshed the
kitchen. Ho-hum. Just a few more things to put away.

Friday, December 23, 2016
As Gabe Heatter famously used to say during the war, "Ah, there's good
news tonight." This afternoon I took a little walk down in the woodlot,
and was pleased to see that some of the honeysuckle I sprayed a few
weeks ago is dead, and more of it appears to be dying. In the spring
when the plants wake up and start growing, and the poison will
circulate down to the roots, I'll hit it again and again
until I get it under control. Other activities today included scanning
a box of 2011 slides, taking a pattern to the saddle shop to have
new leather cut for some chair seats, and finishing kitchen
clean-up. I also made another attempt at removing that stubborn
transmission clutch drum. All I accomplished was shearing off one of
the puller bolts. So while I was in town I got a couple of big bolts to
use in making a better puller. Maybe I can get that done
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Nope. I didn't get back to the puller. I did more house
cleanup, then drove to wichita to see
by the Sea. It had no car chases, no big orange
explosions, and no armies of "digital artists" in the credits.
What it did have was believeble characters who made you care about
them. Casey Affleck, Kyle Chandler, Michelle Williams, and
Lucas Hedges head a cast that turns in fine performances all
around. Writer-director Kenneth Lonergan has come up with an
Oscar contender. This was the third movie in a row I've had to go to
Wichita to see. Many of the best pictures are limited release efforts
shown only in major cities. What do we get down here?
Monster Trucks and
Resident Evil 6.
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Christmas Day was delicious. Cousins Pete and Wally and Pete's friend
Mike came over and we feasted on Pete's good cooking. Other than
scanning a few negatives, I didn't do a lick of work. I hope to finish
up my latest version of a clutch drum puller tomorrow. If I'm lucky it
will work and I'll get that stubborn transmission apart, and if I'm
really lucky there will be a good reverse drum in there.

Monday, December 26, 2016
Victory at last! I soaked that stubborn transmission with penetrants
for months, and it just would not come apart. The clutch drum refused
to budge, and it wrecked three different pullers. So today, after
applying enough heat to turn the drum red then letting it cool, I
applied the latest version of my home made puller. This one has hooks
with nuts to keep them from pulling out of the holes even if they bend.
That did it. Now the transmission is apart and I have some drums to
sandblast and see if any of them are OK to use. One day soon I'll be
off to Mike Bender's shop with a bunch of parts and we'll get some work
done on my engine and transmission.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Today I worked on magnets for a Model T magneto. First I weighed
them and marked the weight on each one. Then I took the heavier
ones to the grinder and took enough off each one to make it 400 grams.
Having all of them the same weight is to help in balancing the
flywheel. I also posted drawings of two possible wiring schemes
for a charger on the Model T
Somebody there should be able to tell me which method is correct.
Wednesday, D
ecember 28, 2016
Advice on the forum confirmed I had the right idea about how to wind
the charger coils, so I went ahead and finished them. With two twelve
volt batteries connected in series for 24 volts, I charged a couple of
magnets and got them to hold up two and a half pounds. The traditional
criterion is two pounds, so I should be delighted. But with almost 400
feet of wire and 600 turns and much of the magnet inside the coils when
charging, I was hoping for

more. I think tomorrow I'll add another
battery and see if a charge with 36 volts is any stronger.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Cold air turns my nose into a snot fountain even when I'm healthy. Now
I'm enjoyimg a cold, so I'm really using up the tissues. I never went
off the place today, and spent the day mostly in the shop. I added
another battery to my magnet charging efforts, and found that with a
36-volt charge I got magnets to hold four pounds. A few would even hold
1/2 pounds. I also started trying to
remove the broken top socket from my roadster for repair. It's stuck
tight on the wooden top bow, and won't move. I stripped off the paint
to see if there are any nails holding it. There aren't. I suspect the
wood extends into the socket far enough for one of the rivets to hold
it, so I'll have to try removing the rivets and see if that does any
Friday, December 30, 2016
Before going to town for shopping, I spent most of the day cleaning up
magneto parts and putting them to soak in carburetor cleaner for a
couple of days. I also tried magnet charging with 42 volts instead of
36. It didn't seem to make any difference.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
After an ordinary day of doing laundry, for the first time in many
years I went out on New Year's Eve. Saturday is my movie night, and I
drove up to Wichita to see
Limited release pictures for grownups aren't shown in Cowley County. We
get stuff like
Monster Trucks
Evil Dead 6. So I went to
the Warren, today's incarnation of the old time movie palaces of the
twenties and thirties, with murals, plush carpets, and lots of
decorative neon. It's a swell joint. The place was packed. The movie
was one of the year's best. August Wilson's script, Denzel Washington's
directing, and great performances by a strong cast make for a great
film. Washington and Viola Davis are wonderful together, Stephen
Henderson shines, and Mykelti Williamson grabs your heart. I'll
be surprised and disappointd if some Oscar nominations don't come from
this one.