Tuesday, February 4, 2014
The predicted storm arrived in the wee hours of the morning and I awoke to an inch or two of snow. The forecast was right about snowing all day, but a lot of the time it was pretty light, and by evening it looked like only about four inches on the ground. On the positive side, that's four inches more than we had before. |
Sometimes a nut needs a bit of
extra leverage.
Use genuine Ford parts.
Some bearings need a little
persuasion to come out.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Another day of real winter saw a high here of about 19º. The official number was in the twenties, but that wasn't right here. My main shop project was measuring Hyatt rear axle bearings. After measuring I tied tags on them showing how much wear each one has, then soaked them in motor oil and sealed them in snack bags. Eventually I'll set aside the best ones for myself and sell the rest. I won't have enough stuff ready to sell for this year's Chickasha swap meet in March, so maybe I can have a pile of goods ready to go next year. This year Chickasha coincides with the first day of spring, so it's just thirty-nine days away. |
Thursday, February 20, 2014 All the morning and part of the afternoon was taken up by a trip to Wichita for a medical appointment. The doc said my low PSA level indicates no return of cancer, so I may be around awhile longer. Maybe I'll even finish a project or two before I have to check out. After a bit of grocery shoppng, I spent the rest of the day finishing a sewing job, installing a Ford patch on a new shop coat. The old coat, after a couple of years, is getting pretty ragged. Fortunately these coats cost only about $9. Friday, February 21, 2014 Another one of those days without a lot accomplished. I did a few little mundane chores like gathering a box of kindling and shopping for groceries, and a fairly long session of researching parts. This evening I removed the rear spring from the roadster because it's the wrong one (1917 & later). I'll replace it with the one I have that's right for 1915. But first I'll have to sandblast the clips and the clip bars and nuts, then paint them. A lot of the time required for restoration is spent on fasteners and other small items. Saturday, February 22, 2014 Job one was laundry, and while in Winfield I checked out an auction. There was absolutely nothing I wanted. At home I worked on those spring parts. I bent the clips to the proper width so the bars would fit them, then I set up the sandblaster and removed rust and old paint. I treated all the clips, bars, and nuts with metal prep, and painted them. I have to wait until Monday when the leather shop is open, then I'll make a proper spring pad and install the "new" spring. |