Sunday, August 2, 2015 Mostly I worked on that box again. This is one of those projects that gets redesigned as I go, when I find out that the first design isn't going to work. In this case the first version was too wide at the top to fit, and a little too tall at the rear. Making the top part narrower and a little shorter in back wasn't terribly difficult, but it was slow work. I'm afraid screwing the pieces together inside the car will be even slower. Monday, August 3, 2015 Today I finished my little cargo box and installed it in the car. It will be a good place to carry my oil check tool, headlight wrench and other items I want to keep in the car. |
August 7, 2015 Somewhat lower humdity meant that although there was dew on the grass, it wasn't as sopping wet as in recent days. So my first job of the day was shoving the push mower around the lawn edges I couldn't reach with the tractor mower. By ten the heat was building and I gave it up in favor of indoor work. I made that throttle rod for the roadster, and it's a much better fit. When I tried it I was pleased to find that now the car will slow down to a normal idle. The disappointment came when I tried to drive into town to pay bills. The car repeatedly lost power and died, and I turned around and headed for home. This intermittent fuel starvation is really aggravating. Tomorrow I'll drain the tank, remove the sediment bulb, and see if I can get it apart. I don't remember ever checking the screen, and I suspect that may be where the problem is. My last adventure of the day was attending a meeting of the township board to push for shade trees in the cemetery. The old, original part of the cemetery has always had trees, but the newer areas are bare except for a few little lollipop trees. Some of my cousins have offered to donate trees, so I want to get the board moving on this before the fall planting season. |
Friday, August 14, 2015
In the morning I did more tree trimming along the west drive. I cut off little trees that were inconveniently placed, and poisoned the stumps, and trimmed off branches that were sticking out into the drive, and made space for the redbuds to grow and spread. They'll make a nice flowering display in the spring. In the afternoon I got into the shop and worked on a pair of carburetors. All I really did was put them on the 1923 touring to see if they worked. The car started right up on the first pull of the crank both times, so the carbs are OK. That eliminates the carburetor as a reason for the roadster's failure to start. When I went to town for groceries I also did some futile shopping for a fuel shut-off valve for the touring. As usual, nobody had anything that even came close to what I want, so that will be another online search. Disgusted. I worked on the roadster all morning and into the afternoon. Eventually I got it to start easily. I went for a test drive. The car ran well for about a mile and a half, then died. There was a little over a gallon of fuel in the tank, and I hoped that the low pressure from the low gas level was the problem. A passing neighbor gave me a ride home to get a can of gas. I poured in the whole five gallons. It made no difference. The car wouldn't even cough. I got another ride home, hitched up the trailer, and spent most of the rest of the afternoon loading up the roadster and bringing it home. Disgusted. |
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Birdhaven, Colfax Iowa
Friday, August 21, 2015
Travel day. I spent the day driving to Iowa for an auction. I stopped at Birdhaven Antique auto Parts in Colfax to buy a new gas tank for the roadster, then stopped to gas up and eat dinner in West Des Moines. Now I'm using the free wi-fi at the McDonald's in Carroll. In the morning I'll drive over to Lanesboro and see if I can snag any fabulous bargains at the auction. Saturday, August 22, 2015 As planned, I spent the day at the auction, then traveling. I'll take the time for more of a report when I get home. |