September 1, 2015
When I took a close look at the
old window frames, as I mentioned yesterday, I decided that they had to
go. So I spent today removing the old windows and frames, rebuilding
the wall around them, and buying lumber for the new frames. With any
luck I'll get the new frames built and installed tomorrow, and get back to putting on shingles.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
This morning I mostly finished the wall rebuilding. I thought I was
done with it about 10:40, and set about building the frames. When
they were done I found that one of them wouldn't quite fit. The board
above it was about 1/8" too low. So I took the board out and will
replace it with a slightly thinner one. In the afternoon I had a dental
appointment, and while I was in town bought vinegar to give the
roadster a radiator and cooling system flush. That pretty well finished
up the day.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Job One today was to finish the rebuilding on that southeast
wall. When I was done with that, about 9:40, the
thermometer on the front porch was showing 79º. When I took it up
to the roof and set it next to the wall it quickly shot up to 115º and I
decided that putting up shingles would wait until that wall was in the
shade. But I got busy elsewhere and never got back to shingling.
I sorted, boxed, and put away my recent auction plunder and some other
parts, then finished a job on the roadster. Last
night I drained the cooling system and filled it with vinegar and let
it sit until after noon today. Then I started the car and let it warm
up and run for half an hour, then drained and flushed, ran it filled
with soda water to neutralize the vinegar, drained and flushed again,
and filled with 50/50 antifreeze. I'm not worried about freezing
anytime soon, but the antifreeze prevents rust.
September 4, 2015
In a phone conversation with a long-time Model T guy whose advice has
been helpful in the past, I got some driving tips that might help me
prevent overheating. After a recent drive the roadster was boiling and
steam was shooting out of the overflow. I made a video of this and
posted a link on the Model T forum. As usual there were a lot of good
suggestions, but most didn't apply in this case. My driving habits,
however, could very well be the problem. Over the past eight years I've
spent a lot more time working on Model T's than driving them. I'm still
pretty much of a novice in that department. My adviser thought I might
be retarding the spark too much on hills, and might have the carburetor
adjustment too lean. So today I went for a drive of about seven miles.
Following the advice not to raise the spark lever unless I heard
pinging, and then do it only enough to stop the noise, I never had a
ping and never raised the lever. I also had the carb adjustment a bit
richer than before. When I got home from the test drive all I heard
from the radiator was the normal gurgle. No boiling, and no
steam. For my next test I'll take a drive that includes a couple
of steep hills. We'll see how that goes.

This afternoon I attended the township board meeting to discuss shade
trees for the cemetery. Some of my cousins have offered to contribute
some funds for that, and today the sexton and I talked about what kind
of trees would be best. She's going to figure out locations, and I'm
going to research what kinds of trees would be best for this use.
In the evening a car transporter came to haul away my brother's old
Rolls Royce. Mike left it here when he went home because it had given him some starting problems
and he was afraid it would fail on the road and make him miss work. So
this evening the transporter loaded it up and it was on its way to
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Today's first work was nailing up shingles. I did that until about 8:30
when the direct sunlight was starting to make it too steamy to suit me.
So I left the shingling for later and worked on the shady end of the
house, cutting and installing boards that will hold the new Sheetrock
in the southwest bedroom. In
the afternoon I spent a couple of hours in the shop, mostly using a
hammer and anvil to pound a running board luggage rack into shape.
There's not much luggage room in a roadster, so this rack should help.
By three the east upstairs wall was in the shade, and I spent the rest
of the afternoon working on that. Maybe I'll have this bit of wall done
in a week.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
One of the best things I bought last year at the Hershey swap meet
is this folding parts carrier. But with its short handle, it kept
tripping me up when I walked. So today I made a handle extension to
eliminate that problem. I can fold the handle down by just pulling a
couple of pin clips.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Two things. First was nailing up more shingles on that
southeast upstairs wall. About 8:45 AM the direct sun was making that
pretty steamy work, so I called a halt and moved on to the second
thing. That was sandblasting, prepping, and painting a running board
luggage rack. Sandblasting always takes longer than I think it should,
but I had that part done by noon and the painting finished by
two. In the afternoon, with the east side of the house in shade,
I went back to putting up shingles. I'd call that job about ¼

Tuesday, September 8, 2015
More shingling started the day. Again, direct sun made that too toasty
by nine. That was my cue to head for town, where I bought a sack of
Structolite insulating plaster to fill some empty spaces behind the
chimney. I mixed up some plaster and did the filling, then nailed up
the aluminum flashing that goes between the shingled wall and the
chimney. I ended the afternoon with more shingling, but had to quit
when sprinkles started a little after four. I'd call the shingling on
that wall about ⅓ done now. A little before six the real rain
came on, and for over half an hour was a real gully washer. I haven't
looked at the rain gauge, but I expect it will show well over an inch.
Some of the plants were withering, so it was good to have a soaking

Wednesday, September 9,
An early start, as soon as there was enough daylight to see what I was
doing, had me taking a big bite of the shingling project. But even on
a cooler day, that east roof
got too hot to suit me when the overcast broke up about
eleven. So during the middle of the day I worked in the
shop, mostly repairing or replacing spark plugs in the roadster. I also
finished painting the luggage rack I started Monday. By about three the
east side of the house was in shade and I finished the day with more
shingling. That wall is now more than half done.


Thursday, September 10, 2015
Again, the first job of the day was shingling. And again, about nine
the heat on the roof drove me away. The difference today was that I
never got back to it in the afternoon. After getting spark plugs in
order yesterday, today it was the carburetor. The roadster has been
starting fairly well, but not as well as it should. I've had the carb
off and cleaned it out, but it never has quite worked the way I want.
So I went through another carb, cleaning out all the passages, and put
it on the car. Much better! The car started easily on battery, and
almost as easily on magneto. I was so delighted I shot some video to
show it starting. Maybe I can get that edited and posted tomorrow. Next
came the unexpected glitch that ate up my afternoon. For the past few
days the radiator petcock has had a little drip, drip, drip. So I
decided to replace it. But it turned out that it wouldn't turn out. It
was stuck so tight that it broke off in the hole. So I spent the rest
of the afternoon drilling out the stub, tapping the hole, installing
another petcock, and refilling the radiator. Tomorrow when I go to town
for groceries I'll drive the roadster with its four working spark plugs
and improved carburetor and see how it does. Maybe I can get more
shingles put up too.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Yes, I got more shingles up, but not very many. I spent most of the
morning finishing that video.
Then I unpacked my three new wheels from Stuzman's wheel shop. I'll
need to build a rotisserie to turn them during painting. In the
afternoon I drove the roadster to town for groceries. It was
easy-starting when I set out, but got harder at each stop. By the time
I got home it was losing power. When I got it in the shop and
shut it off I found that the #3 spark plug had worked loose and wasn't
firing. I left it alone to let it and me cool down.
Tomorrow I'll check all the plugs again and see if there are any other

Saturday, September 12, 2015
I did a few other odd jobs, but spent the most time putting up
shingles. The end is in sight. One more session should finish this
southeast wall, then I'll move on the the northeast one. It will go
faster because it's smaller and has no roof angle to require a lot of
cutting to fit.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
It was mostly a day off from work. After a late start I spent the
morning catching up online. In the afternoon I did laundry and went
grocery shopping. That left time for putting up just one more row of
shingles, and my "one more session" became two. So I'll finish that
Monday, September 14, 2015
Done! This morning I nailed the last shingles on the southeast wall. I
took a half hour off to cut down the dead hollyhock stems in the yard
and put them all in a trash barrel which I put in my office. One of my
projects this winter will be to harvest the seeds from them for
planting next spring. With the hollyhock chore done, I got back to the
house and started on the northeast wall. After taking down the plastic
sheeting I had to decide what to do about the windows. Should I leave
the old framing which looks like it will last a few more years, or
should I rebuild it? I decided to do it right, so out came the
windows and out came the old framing. I had to quit for a 2:00 PM
dental appointment, after which I stopped at the lumber yard and
bought some boards for the house. When I got home I had enough time to
get started on installing new window framing. I had one sill cut and
nailed in by quitting time. To be continued.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
It was a good day. I finished rebuilding the wall around
the northeast windows, nailed up new siding, and screwed on wafer board
over most of the wall. I have to put up just two more small pieces,
then I'll be ready to put on the felt and start nailing on shingles. I
may actually finish the upstairs outside before winter
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
the time I finished wafer board on the east wall it was getting hot in
the direct sun, so I moved to the north side of the house and spent the
rest of the day in the shade, taking down old shingles. Some were still
good after eighty years, but most were in bad shape and needed to go.
Some of the studs in the north wall are rotten and will need to be
replaced. I'll find out how many when I get all the old shingles off
and can remove a bit of siding to see what's inside.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Another day on the house. I got a start nailing up shingles on the east
wall. A nice overcast and a breeze delayed the heat until about eleven,
then I moved to the north wall and finished stripping off the old
shingles and stuffing them in boxes for winter kindling. I'll get a
little more done on the east wall in the morning, but I'll probably
spend more time putting up tarps to prepare for rain. The forecast says
50% chance. If I don't prepare, it will rain for sure.
Friday, September 18, 2015
It was mostly a day off from working on the house. I did get more
shingles nailed up, then spent an hour getting all the tools inside and
putting up tarps, then headed for Ponca City. I had to go there for
another roll of aluminum flashing, which nobody sells here. While there
I got an oil change in the Camry. That's the second change of oil in
the year I've had the car. It goes 5000 miles between changes and I've
never had to add a drop of oil. Very nice. When I got home I took the
Suburban down to the casino to get gas for a drive to the auction in
Cleveland tomorrow. The price of gas in Oklahoma is low enough to make
the five mile drive down there worth the trip. Oklahoma's lower tax
makes the price usually 5¢ to 10¢ less than here. On the way home I
decided to do something about the slap, slap, slap sound one of the
tires was making. An inspection at the tire shop found both front tires
had flat spots. Experience has taught me that those will lead to
separation and tire failure, so I bit the bullet and blew a couple of
Benjamins on two new front tires. As little as I drive that vehicle,
they should last a long time.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
I set out for a day at the auction, but I had my doubts because
the auction company had nothing about it on their website. I left a
message for a friend who had helped with sorting the goods, and he
called me back when I was just west of Pawhuska. It turned out that the
auctioneer had decided the job was too big for him, and canceled. So I
turned north at Pawhuska and headed for home by way of the Tall Grass
Prairie Preserve.


When I got home I didn't receive my usual greeting. Normally Daisy
runs around and barks when I drive in, but today she was nowhere to be
seen. I didn't see her the rest of the day. I took down the tarps on
the east side of the house and got back to putting up shingles. I
was doing the bottom row, which is slow going because the shingles all
have to be measured and cut at an angle to fit the slope of the living
room roof. I'm getting down toward the end of my shingle supply, so for
the past week I've been trying to buy more. Nobody has them in Arkansas
City, Winfield, Wellington, or Ponca City, so I started calling around
in Wichita. I finally found them at Star Lumber. So at 3:30 I headed
for Wichita and got to the lumber yard about fifteen minutes before
their 5:00 PM closing time. I bought three bundles, plus some square
molding for making some Model T gas gauges. I'm so old that I remember
buying shingles for $3 a bundle, so the current price of $84.25 came as
quite a shock. That's probably less than it would have been elsewhere,
because the molding was about half the price I've seen other places.
While in Wichita I tried a new restaurant, Mexico Viejo. I'd call the
food good but not great. After dinner I went to the Warren theater, a
modern version of the old time ornate movie palaces, and saw Everest in iMax and 3-D. It
was a very good show, and dissuaded me from any
thoughts I might ever have entertained of making such a trip.

Sunday, September 20, 2015
I am dogless. My long Saturday ended at almost one this morning. I left
my office over the shop and headed for the house, and found Daisy
lying in the driveway. She had obviously been mauled by the pack of
neighbor dogs across the road. She flopped her tail, but didn't try to
get up. This morning I was able to see in the daylight that she was in
a bad way, so I called the vet and we met at the clinic. Daisy died in
the clinic and I buried her this afternoon. I'm going to miss her. She
was a good one.
Monday, September 21, 2015
Good progress. Except for a trip to town to pay a couple of bills, I
spent the day putting up shingles on the northeast upstairs wall. By
quitting time I had most of it done. A couple more rows will finish the
shingling on that wall, then I can make and install the new window
frames. I may even have the windows back in before winter.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Another step done. A little before ten this morning I nailed the last
shingle on the east wall. During the warm part of the day I worked in
my office, adding two new Model T pages to the website, a buyers' guide and a price guide.
That took almost three hours, then I made a trip to town for lumber to
make new window frames. While in town I looked for a new burner element
to replace the one that burned out on my kitchen range. The only place
in town that had one was the hardware store. I didn't want to pay the
Ace price of thirty bucks, so I went online and ordered one for $12.64.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
That's nice. I like it when the humidity gets low enough for salt to
come out of the shaker, and a few grains spilled on the table don't
turn to little puddles of salt water. I spent the day making and
fitting new frames for the northeast windows. Maybe I can get them
installed and the windows back in them this week. I also showed the
neighbors photos of what their dogs did to Daisy so they can deal with
the guilty parties. Wednesday is freezer day for me. On Wednesday
evening I use up something out of the freezer. Tonight it was one of
the steaks left over from the family reunion in June.


Thursday, September 24,
I took a day off from everything else and worked on Model T
coils. My ignorance of the subject was almost complete, so I had a lot
to learn. Using a borrowed ECCT, I checked each coil for capacitor
condition, dwell time, and consistent firing. I stuck a piece of tape
on each one and marked the test results on it. I checked over a dozen,
and learned the testing part pretty well. Learning how to make the
necessary adjustments to make them test well is another story. That's
going to take a good deal more study and practice. After spending
most of the day on coils, I took the last hour before chow time
to deal with a flooding carburetor. It was sopping wet with leaked gas.
I pulled it off the car, installed a new float valve, and adjusted the
float. If I got it right, I hope it will stay that way.
Friday, September 25, 2015
In the morning I worked on coils some more so I could have a full set
to use in the roadster. After I had the coils back in the car, I took
off the carburetor and fixed a leak around the shut-off valve.
With the carburetor reinstalled I choked twice, turned on the ignition,
and the car was running immediately. I didn't even have to pull the
crank. It seems that having four good coils makes a big difference. I
drove the car into town when I went shopping, and it ran well until one
spark plug went south on me. Fortunately I was carrying spare plugs in
the car. I stopped at one of the parts stores and ordered some new
plugs which I'll try out and carry for spares if they're OK. When I got
home I noticed that the monarchs, on their way to Michoacán, are still
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Well, that was a surprise. I went to an auction in Winfield this
morning to look for a few small things, and came home with one big
thing. There were several cases of motor oil, but I didn't bid because
they were selling at retail. There were a few other things I did bid
on, but others wanted them more than I did. What I did buy was an 8 HP
28 ton log splitter. It was almost six hundred bucks, but that's a lot
less than it would have been new. So I'm set for firewood season. By
the time I came home and got the Suburban to go and fetch the splitter,
the day was spent. I celebrated my find with enchladas blancas,
one of my favorite meals, at La Fiesta.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Today I used the borrowed ECCT to test the roadster's magneto. Since I
recharged the magnets and Mike Bender rebuilt the engine and
transmission, it was no surprise that the mag tested Good. I didn't do
much else today except go to town for groceries.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Back to coils. I retested and readjusted the ones that were in the
roadster. I should say I readjusted a couple of them. The others didn't
need it. I wasn't satisfied with the gap gauge I was using, so I drove
the roadster into town to get one I like better. The car is
running very nicely now with its fresh coils, but I'm mystified by its
magneto start. A few weeks ago the car was a hard start on MAG when
cold, but fired easily on the first pull when warm. Now the car is
fairly easy to start on MAG when cold, but needs the
battery when warm. I don't know what's behind that.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Researching and copying some Model T history ate up the morning, and a
little more work on coils took up part of the afternoon, then I
finished the day doing laundry. During all of that I was thinking of
all the other things I need to get done. Some I will, and some I won't.
You do what you can.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015


A little of this, a little of that. I tested more coils. I
checked the roadster's tires for correct pressure, and I did the 200
mile lube job. Model T's take frequent oiling and greasing. I went to
town to mail a package, buy apples, and ask my cousin Wally to feed the
precious adorable kitties while I'm gone. When I got home I fired
up my new splitter and tried it out. I spent a bout a half hour
splitting some of the wood stacked behind the shop. It's in the shade
most of the time, so some of it is too moist. I need to get it under a
roof so it will be dry enough to burn by the time the good weather goes
south. I took the truck to the brush pile and emptied out the yard
trimmings so I can haul wood with it tomorrow. I experimented with the
roadster, trying to figure out the best starting procedures. Magneto or
battery? One pull on choke, or two, or none? Throttle lever down
two notches? Three? Four? It seems every one of these cars is
different, and what works best for one may not be best for another